"I'll hae nae hauf-way hoose but aye be whaur extremes meet..." Hugh McDiarmid

Friday, 8 March 2013

PR? me?

my parents made it safely home at the start of the week. sad to see them go, but it'll be less than 3 months until they're asking me when the race starts ;)

I got the fright of my life that day as well. I came home from work and was checking my news feed when I saw my name. in the context of an article. about me. by the lovely clipper folk. panic! I read it, then viber'd my sister and a mate in london saying 'check out the clipper website!!'

I shared it onto my timeline and from there it got busy. a few of my friends shared it too, and tagged me in it. at one point on monday my entire timeline was just the rectangle with the photo and text of the article. mum and dad had got back to scotland by this time and leigh had showed it to them too.

one of my friends here in sunny muscat then decided to up the game a little bit. when someone pops up on chat with the line 'don't freak out' there is always a but... lovely and over-excitable catherine had decided that as I wasn't going to publicise myself, she would do it for me. and emailed the papers and radio stations telling them what I was up to and put the link to the article in there too.

I may have had a tiny panic.

anyone who really knows me would agree that I don't seek the limelight, shall we say. however, this is for a good cause so by the time cat phoned me I was almost speaking to her again... which was just as well it turned out, as one of the papers had got back to her and wanted to know if I would do an article. cat gave them my email address and they got in touch.

so on tuesday I am having coffee with a lady from Y magazine who is going to write an article about my participation in the race and the charities and why I'm doing it.

wish me luck.

in other news, today we went and watched the last day of extreme series racing at the wave. I'd not seen them this close up before and it was brilliant racing. the course is so close to the beach here! the temperature at the moment is just perfect, around 30C with a nice breeze. it'll start working its way up to summer over the next month then we'll be back to the 40C range and the humidity will rise. my flight home is on the 1st of june so I will miss the worst of it!

I made almond milk for the first time today as well. it's really easy to make (it turns out) and just requires a little organisation as the almonds need to be soaked for over 6 hours. anyway, 2 minutes in the blender and the milk problem is solved. hurrah! it is pretty amazing in hot chocolate as well :D

I'm on office hours all this week at work - concentrating on finishing off the manual and doing some firmware updates. off to bed now though, crossfit in the morning....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Claire. Cat strikes again, she has been in touch with me too haha. Bless her, what a good friend you have there.

    I have written a blog post about you in the hope that some rich person might read it and send alot of money your way.

    What an amazing adventure and such worthy chartites. Plus you are doing us Scottish girls proud.

    All the best of luck and I will be following your progress.

    Check out my blog post:

    Heather x
